A Random Act of Kindness by Ayala Land Inc.

Ayala Land Inc., the holding company for a number of subsidiaries and affiliates including residential development, commercial and business centers, and hotels and leisures, has reached their  25th year in the business. And, one of their ways to celebrate their success was to return the favor to their loyal patrons by doing a "Random Act of Kindness" at the Ayala Triangle Gardens last August 13, 2013. Gracing the first day of the activity was Mr. Funny Man, Sam YG.

Magnolia Ice cream carts roamed around the park and distributed lots and lots of cold treats to the hard working young generations of today who are either just passing by or eating their lunch in the area. Then, everyone was invited to line-up to the booth where Sam YG has been waiting for the yuppies. He helped in giving away loot bags with lots of freebies inside like slippers from havaianas, umbrella, etc.

It may be a small token of kindness to some, but, the happiness it brought to the people who benefited is something else. Remember, no amount is too small for a person who appreciates it.

Kudos to Ayala Land!


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