Another Fun-filled and Educational Day from Alaska NutriBuild 345

It was a sunny Saturday morning of September 28, 2013. We arrived at the venue in Paranaque with the quadrant all set up and the Alaska team were all ready for the exciting and informative day prepared for the students and parents of Escuela De San Lorenzo Ruiz. Oh boy! This would be fun I thought. The last time I attended one like this in Tondo I couldn't take the smile off my face. The children's participation were astonishing and their mothers' cooperation were truly overwhelming. 

In just a few minutes, cheerful and cute little preschoolers entered the quadrants. Inside, they were told a story about Miles and Tony, taught of proper hygiene,  was educated about eating the right food and the importance of drinking Alaska NutriBuild 345 everyday. 

Parents who were given a lecture by Dra. Fernando, a nutritionist from Alaska listened intently. She gave precise and valuable notes about proper nutrition and what can a balance meal do to the developmental milestone of our children. 

I took some important details from her discussion and summarized it, so, I could share it with you. Here it goes:

What is a milestone?
According to her, this is a scientifically based information on your child's motor, cognitive, language and emotional development  that provides you with structured guidelines for observing and monitoring your child's growth over time.

What can we do to help our child achieve their milestone? 
  1. Let them do physical activities like playing outdoors. This enhances your child's ability to absorb all the nutrients from the food they eat.
  2. Let them sing, write, and read.  When kids' senses are stimulated they learn faster.
  3. Acknowledge your child's achievements.  This way your child are encouraged to explore more and learn further.
  4. Provide Age-appropriate nutrition. Giving them the right food ensures that they will get the proper nutrition their body needs.
  5. Provide a positive environment at home or wherever possible. This enables the child to face tough situations and develop self-confidence.
At the end of her lesson, she emphasize that the right milk at the right age is one of the most important element in achieving age specific milestones in order for the child to reach their maximum potential. Giving milk like Alaska NutriBuild 345 as a supplement along with a balanced meal will definitely help a lot in a child's development.

After the lessons for the moms and dads and the children's activities, freebies were given to everyone who participated. I thought the kids really enjoyed the free tasting of the nutritious Alaska NutriBuild 345. They kept coming back for more!

Alaska's unwavering advocacy to fight malnutrition and to educate  parents and children about right nutrition doesn't end here. Alaska NutriBuild 345 Team will still be going to other places and schools to reach out to all of the mothers and kids to fulfill their goal of "a malnutrition free" country.

If you want to be a part of their community, you can reach them at and you can access the complete lists of milestones for ages 3 to 5 year old children.

Congratulations Alaska NutriBuild 345!


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